Dataset and R codes for PLoS ONE paper - PhD thesis
This dataset contains two excel files and four R scripts necessary to perform the analyses involved in the paper entitled "The importance of vegetation density for tourists... -
UNDESERT List of Indicators of Desertification and Degradation
The UNDESERT List of Indicators of Desertification and Degradation provides a set of indicators to assess desertification and degradation processes. The list contains spatial... -
Plotless sampling, 1994, Saloum, Senegal
Plotless sampling from 19 areas with 10 investigation points in each area Published in Lykke AM. 1998. Assessment of species composition change in savanna vegetation by means of... -
Spatial typology of sahelian vegetation in relation to the land degradation i...
Data set consists of 108 phytosociological relevés, 108 dendrometrical relevés and 108 regeneration relevés recorded in the sahelian zone of Burkina Faso following land cover...