Data compiled and created for the project RAINFOREST - Co-produced transformative knowledge to accelerate change for biodiversity. This project aims at creating knowledge that... -
Biotic and abiotic filtering on plant regeneration in the Tropical Dry Forest...
Seedling recruitment is a crucial step for plant regeneration. Germination, seedling growth and survival are determined by several abiotic and biotic filters, such as water,... -
Climate change and ectotherms - How rising temperatures might elevate rates o...
This data set includes R scripts & additional tables created by Lennart Gries for a master's thesis conducted at Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main and... -
GISA – Genetische Informationen zum Schutz von Ackerwildkräutern
Das Projekt "GISA – Genetische Informationen zum Schutz von Ackerwildkräutern" widmet sich den Grundlagen zum Schutz einer der am stärksten gefährdeten und weiterhin...