Quantitative ethnobotanical data, Saloum, Senegal

In the study area of Senegal, 120 structured general interviews have been carried out in 10 villages around the Patako reserve. Informants from 6 principal ethnic groups were interviewed taking into account the demographic weight of each ethnic group: 3 villages were considered for the Wolof, 2 for Mandingo, 2 for Fulani, 2 for Sérère, 1 for Bambara and 1 for Sarakholé. A total of 12 people were interviewed per ethnic group in each village; 60 females and 60 males randomly chosen irrespective of age, education level and profession. Information on the use values and local preferences for tree plantings are available for 55 woody species providing non-timber forest products.

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Additional Info

Field Value
Geographic coverage
Geographic description Villages around Patako Forest, Senegal
Bounding coordinates
North: 13.6331
West: -16.2667
East: -16.2667
South: 13.6331
Temporal coverage
Timestep 2001
Other info
Last Updated December 17, 2020, 15:19 (UTC)
Created December 17, 2020, 15:19 (UTC)

Responsible parties

Name Anne Mette Lykke
Organization affiliations
Aarhus University, UNDESERT project

Vejlsøvej 25
8600 Skanderborg


Name Anne Mette Lykke
Organization affiliations
Aarhus University

Vejlsøvej 25
8600 Skanderborg

Associated party
Name Anne Mette Lykke

Research data management planning

Data will be stored at (long-term archived) Information still missing

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