Relationships large mammals, scenery, additional determinants and wildlife to...
Wildlife tourism is an important cultural ecosystem service, benefiting regional economies and biodiversity conservation. Many wildlife tourism destinations remain below their... -
Dataset and R codes for Ecosystem Services paper - PhD thesis chapter 1
This dataset contains two excel files and three R scripts necessary to perform the analyses involved in the paper entitled "Large mammal diversity matters for wildlife tourism... -
Substituts Sarcocephalus latifolius (Sm.) E. A. Bruce in the South-western re...
Crateva adansonii, Sarcocephalus latifolius and Burkea africana are species widely used in the South-western Burkina Faso. The leaves of C. adansonii are consumed, the roots of... -
Identification and characterization of ecosystem services provided by Cordyla...
Data focuses on the identification and characterization of ecosystem services provided by Cordyla pinnata, Detarium microcarpum and Detarium senegalense. They were collected in... -
Substituts of Crateva adansonii in the South-western region of Burkina Faso
Crateva adansonii is a very important species used by locals in th Southwestern region of Burkina Faso. Data includ substitute of the this plant recorded during a individual...