After-fire resprouting capacity of 46 woody plant species in South African sa...
The data contains measurements of resprouting after fire on more than 1800 individuals of 46 species. Resprouting is measured one growing season after controlled, high itensity... -
Photosynthetic Capacity Measurements of 20 species of woody savanna plants us...
For photosynthetic capacity I used a Licor 6400 to derive light response curves (curves of the response of photosynthetic rate to changes in photosynthetic active radiation)... -
Photosynthetic ACi-Curves on 11 woody plant species from South African savann...
The data contains ACi (Photosynthesis-leaf internal Carbon concentration) curves, for 38 indiviudals of 11 different tree and shrub species (see species file) form southern...