Morphological trait matching shapes plant–frugivore networks across the Andes.

Interactions between resource and consumer species are organized in ecological networks. Species interactions in these networks are influenced by the functional traits of the interacting partners, but the generality of trait-based interaction rules and the relationship between functional traits and a species’ specialization on specific interaction partners are not yet understood. Here we combine data on eight interaction networks between fleshy-fruited plants and frugivorous birds sampled across the tropical and subtropical Andean range. We test which combinations of morphological plant and animal traits determine trait matching between resource and consumer species in these networks. In addition, we test which of the morphological traits influence functional specialization of plant and bird species. In a meta-analysis across network-specific fourth-corner analyses, we found that plant–animal trait pairs related to size matching (fruit size–beak size) and avian foraging behavior (plant height–wing shape and crop mass–body mass) were positively related in these networks. The degree of functional specialization on specific interaction partners was positively related to crop mass in plants and to the pointedness of the wing in birds. Our findings show that morphological trait matching between fleshy-fruited plants and frugivorous birds is a general phenomenon in plant–frugivore networks across the Andes and that specific plant and bird traits can be used to approximate the degree of functional specialization. These insights into the generality of interaction rules are the base for predictions of species interactions in ecological networks, for instance in novel communities in the future, and can be applied to identify plant and animal species that fulfill specialized functional roles in ecological communities.

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Dataset DOI: doi:10.12761/sgn.2018.10237

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Additional Info

Field Value
Geographic coverage
Geographic description Eastern slope of Andes, between 1000 m and 3000 m elevation.
Bounding coordinates
North: 4.7167
West: -75.5667
East: -65.6667
South: -26.5
Temporal coverage
Time period
Begin: 2008
End: 2015
Taxonomic coverage
Class Aves
Kingdom Plantae
General taxonomic description Species interaction networks between frugivorous birds and fleshy-fruited plants. Over the eight collected interaction networks we collected interactions between 180 bird species and 226 plant species.
Other info
Last Updated March 10, 2021, 3:16 PM (UTC+00:00)
Created December 17, 2020, 3:46 PM (UTC+00:00)

Responsible parties

Name Irene Maria Antoinetta Bender
Organization affiliations
Senckenberg Biodiversity and Climate Research Centre (BiK-F)


Name Irene Maria Antoinetta Bender
Organization affiliations
Senckenberg Biodiversity and Climate Research Centre (BiK-F)

Associated party
Name Irene Maria Antoinetta Bender

Associated party
Name Matthias Schleuning

Associated party
Name D. Matthias Dehling

Associated party
Name Pedro G. Blendinger

Associated party
Name Marcia C. Muñoz

Associated party
Name Eike Lena Neuschulz

Associated party
Name Marta Quitián

Associated party
Name Francisco Saavedra

Associated party
Name Vinicio Santillán

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