Effect of bracken vegetation and litter on seedling recruitment of Clusia species in Bolivia

We studied the effect of vegetation and litter removal of bracken (Pteridium arachnoideum) on seedling recruitment, survival and growth of three shade-tolerant Clusia species. We carried out field experiments in the tropical montane forest of Bolivia at eight sites between 1900 and 2500 m of elevation, separated by at least 1 km from each other. At each site, we installed a 240 m-long transect perpendicular to the forest edge, where we selected three distances, one in the forest interior (at 160 m from the forest edge), one in the degraded habitat close to the forest edge (at 5 m) and one in the degraded habitat far from the forest edge (at 80 m), each distance constituted one block. Each block comprised two 1x2 m plots. In one plot we cut the vegetation taller than 0.5 m prior and three months after sowing (VN), while the other plot was not manipulated (VY). Each plot was divided in eight subplots (50 x 50 cm each). In four subplots, we removed the litter (LN), while the other four subplots were not manipulated (LY). We selected three Clusia species that naturally grow in the area (C. lechleri, C. sphaerocarpa and C. trochiformis). We sowed twenty seeds of each Clusia species in one subplot with and one subplot without litter by spreading seeds across the subplot. One subplot of each litter treatment was left as a control. In total our experiment was set out at 8 sites x 3 habitat types x 2 vegetation treatments x 2 litter treatments x 3 species x 20 seeds, comprising 5760 sown seeds. We recorded seedling recruitment three months and one year after sowing. We labelled each recruited seedling with a plastic tag and recorded the height of each seedling.

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Additional Info

Field Value
Geographic coverage
Geographic description Bolivia, La Paz, Sud Yungas, Chulumani
Bounding coordinates
North: -16.3064
West: -67.5758
East: -67.4769
South: -16.4469
Temporal coverage
Time period
Begin: February 15, 2011
End: January 15, 2013
Taxonomic coverage
Species Clusia lechleri
Species Clusia sphaerocarpa
Species Clusia trochiformis
Species Pteridium arachnoideum
Other info
Last Updated December 17, 2020, 3:42 PM (UTC+00:00)
Created December 17, 2020, 3:42 PM (UTC+00:00)

Responsible parties

Name Silvia Gallegos
Organization affiliations
Institute of Biology/Geobotany and Botanical Garden, Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg

Am Kirchtor 1
06108 Halle


Name Isabell Hensen
Organization affiliations
Institute of Biology/Geobotany and Botanical Garden, Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg

Am Kirchtor 1
06108 Halle

Name Matthias Schleuning
Organization affiliations
Biodiversity and Climate Research Centre (BiK-F) & Senckenberg Gesellschaft fuer Naturforschung

Senckenberganlage 25
60325 Frankfurt (Main)

Name Matthias Schleuning
Organization affiliations
Biodiversity and Climate Research Centre (BiK-F) & Senckenberg Gesellschaft fuer Naturforschung

Senckenberganlage 25
60325 Frankfurt (Main)

Name Silvia Gallegos
Organization affiliations
Institute of Biology/Geobotany and Botanical Garden, Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg

Am Kirchtor 1
06108 Halle

Name Isabell Hensen
Organization affiliations
Institute of Biology/Geobotany and Botanical Garden, Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg

Am Kirchtor 1
06108 Halle

Associated party
Organization affiliations
Biodiversity and Climate Research Centre (BiK-F)

Senckenberganlage 25
60325 Frankfurt (Main)


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