Soil enzyme activities across land uses and elevational gradient of Mt. Kilimanjaro

This dataset present the results of the experimental analysis conducted to assess the activities of the four enzymes activities related to carbon, nitrogen , urea and phosphate cycle across thirteen ecosystem (Land uses) across elevational gradients. We analyses activity of Beta glucosidase, Cellobiohydrolase, Urease and Acid phosphotase.

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Additional Info

Field Value
Geographic coverage
Geographic description This data were collected in the Southern slope of Mount Kilimanjaro. It covers the entire Kilimanjaro Ecosystems from the lower elevation starting from 700 m.a.s.l to the higher elevation about 3500 m.a.s.l.
Temporal coverage
Time period
Begin: 2023
End: 2023
Other info
Last Updated December 5, 2024, 2:19 PM (UTC+00:00)
Created December 5, 2024, 11:31 AM (UTC+00:00)

Responsible parties

Creator and point of contact
Name Dickson Gerald Mauki
Organization affiliations
Biodiversity and Climate Research Centre (BiK-F)

Goethe University Frankfurt

Associated party
Name Matthias Schleuning
Organization affiliations
SBiK-F - Functional Ecology and Global Change

Georg-Voigt-Straße 14-16
60325 Frankfurt am Main

Role Principal investigator

Research data management planning

Types of data that will be / are / were created during the project Numeric (spreadsheet, measurements, etc.)
Estimated volume of created data <1GB
Data will be stored at (long-term archived) In Zenodo

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