Zooplankton time series Helgoland Roads

The North Sea is changing rapidly, driven by modifications in human activities and impacts of climate change. Decreasing fishing intensity, reduction of nutrient loads from local river discharges and rising water temperatures4 act in synergy, directly or indirectly, resulting in modifications in the structure of marine communities. Zooplankton plays a critical role in the functioning of marine food webs, but their response to these changes has only been partially assessed, ignoring the importance of large zooplankton taxa. Meso/macrozooplankton sampled 3 times/week (every other week from 2000 onwards) with a Calcofi net (500 μm mesh size) from 1975 to 2018 are analyzed from the monitoring station Helgoland Roads, Southern North Sea.

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Additional Info

Field Value
Geographic coverage
Geographic description Southern North Sea, Helgoland Roads
Bounding coordinates
North: 54.1883
West: 7.9
East: None
South: None
Temporal coverage
Time period
Begin: January 31, 1975
End: December 31, 2018
Other info
Last Updated February 16, 2023, 6:23 AM (UTC+00:00)
Created January 27, 2023, 11:06 AM (UTC+00:00)

Responsible parties

Creator and point of contact
Name Renz Jasmin
Organization affiliations
Senckenberg am Meer, DZMB

Martin-Luther- King Platz 3
20146 Hamburg

Name Renz Jasmin
Organization affiliations
Senckenberg am Meer, DZMB

Martin-Luther- King Platz 3
20146 Hamburg

Research data management planning

Types of data that will be / are / were created during the project Numeric (spreadsheet, measurements, etc.) , Occurrence data , Taxonomic data , Models, code , Molecular Sequence Data
Estimated volume of created data Cannot estimate
Data will be stored at (long-term archived) Pangaea

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