
We sampled weighted plant-bird interaction networks at two sites in the Manú Biosphere Reserve in the Andes of south-east Peru: Wayqecha (13.2S, 71.6W, 3000 m, upper montane rainforest) and San Pedro (13.1S, 71.6W, 1500 m, lower montane rainforest). At each site, we installed plots of 100 m x 30 m (six plots in Wayqecha, eight plots in San Pedro) and sampled networks four times approximately every three months between December 2009 and September 2010. In each round, we observed each transect for 30 h on five consecutive days and recorded which bird species fed on which plant species (total observation time 720 h in Wayqecha and 960 h in San Pedro). The Wayqecha network consisted of 1344 interaction events (a bird visiting a plant and consuming fruits) between 26 bird and 51 plant species, and the San Pedro network consisted of 4988 interaction events between 61 bird and 53 plant species. For all birds, we collected the following morphological traits: beak length and width, Kipp's distance, and body mass. Bird traits were measured on museum specimens or compiled from literature. For all plants, we collected the following morphological traits: fruit size and diameter, crop mass, and plant height. Plant traits were sampled in the field.

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Additional Info

Field Value
Geographic coverage
Geographic description Cloud forest, Eastern slope of Andes, Peru, 3000 m and 1500 m elevation
Bounding coordinates
North: -13.1997
West: -71.5997
East: -71.5997
South: -13.0997
Temporal coverage
Time period
Begin: December 1, 2009
End: October 1, 2010
Taxonomic coverage
Class Aves
Kingdom Plantae
General taxonomic description Species interaction networks between frugivorous birds and fleshy-fruited plants. Network Wayqecha (3000 m elevation): 26 bird species, 51 plant species. Network San Pedro (1500 m elevation): 61 bird species, 53 plant species.
Other info
Last Updated December 17, 2020, 3:47 PM (UTC+00:00)
Created December 17, 2020, 3:47 PM (UTC+00:00)

Responsible parties

Name Matthias Dehling
Organization affiliations
Senckenberg Biodiversity and Climate Research Centre (BiK-F)


Name Matthias Dehling
Organization affiliations
Senckenberg Biodiversity and Climate Research Centre (BiK-F)

Associated party
Name Matthias Dehling

Associated party
Name Matthias Schleuning

Associated party
Name Katrin Böhning-Gaese

Research data management planning

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