Data compilation from Building an evidence-base for deforestation-free landscapes: supporting equitable outcomes in and beyond commodity supply-chains (BEDROCK). This project... -
GRADED - Exploring Germany’s and China’s roles as importing and consuming cou...
The project GRADED aims to: Advance methods to quantify how agricultural production and trade impact biodiversity and ecosystem change. Contribute to the harmonization and... -
Accounting for trade in derived products when estimating European Union's rol...
Data and code accompanying the article https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecolecon.2024.108288 Part of the project GRADED:... -
A global multi-indicator assessment of the environmental impact of livestock ...
Data accompanying the article https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gloenvcha.2024.102853 Part of the project GRADED:... -
Data compiled and created for the project RAINFOREST - Co-produced transformative knowledge to accelerate change for biodiversity. This project aims at creating knowledge that... -
Choosing fit-for-purpose biodiverstiy impact indicators in agriculture
This dataset is part of the project GRADED - Exploring Germany’s and China’s roles as importing and consuming countries:... -
GPS tracking data of livestock in Mongolia
The dataset cosists of hourly GPS tracking data collected for domestic horses, cattle, and goats in the Mongolian Steppe. -
GPS tracking data of Mongolian gazelle
This dataset includes GPS movement data of Mongolian gazelle across the Mongolian steppe ecosystem. It contains an hourly GPS locations collected for 75 gazelle individuals. -
Online survey on biodiversity perceptions in 15 countries: Perception of 12 d...
This online survey conducted in spring 2023 assessed individual perceptions of 2 types of edible plants (apples, bananas) and 12 different types of animal (fish, whales,... -
Datasets created for the BioImpact project: