Lake Constance littoral fish beach seine data 1997 to present
Data were collected at three sites in Upper Lake Constance, three replicate samples during both day and night per site. Sampling was monthly from March to November during the... -
Annual national population indices of butterflies in the Netherlands since 1992
Annual national monitoring data of De Vlinderstichting - Dutch Butterfly Conservation -
Annual national population indices of dragonflies in the Netherlands since 1999
Annual national monitoring data of De Vlinderstichting -
Bat monitoring in Bavaria since 1985
25 years of bat monitoring in Bavaria by the Bayerisches Landesamt fuer Umwelt -
Vegetation development in the Swiss National Park from 1917 to 2012
The Swiss National Park was founded in 1914 by scientists from the universities of Basel and Zurich. The purpose of the foundation was - beside the conservation and the... -
Wildtierinformationssystem der Länder Deutschlands (WILD)
Das Wildtier-Informationssystem der Länder Deutschlands (WILD) ist ein bundesweites Monitoring-Programm, mit dem Daten zum Vorkommen, zur Häufigkeit (Bestandsdichte) und... -
Collembola - Wälder BaWü - 1986-2003
Der Datensatz beinhaltet Daten zu Collembola (Individuenzahlen, auf Artebene) aus Wald-Dauerbeobachtungsflächen (DBF) Baden-Württembergs. Alle Angaben sind in absoluten... -
Collembola Auen Upper Rhine Valley 1993-2008
Der Datensatz beinhaltet Daten zu Collembola (Dichten, auf Artebene) aus Monitoringflächen (DBF) des Überflutungsrezensionsraums Altenheim (Baden-Württemberg). Alle Angaben... -
National Forest Inventory (Bundeswaldinventur)
The National Forest Inventory - NFI (Bundeswaldinventur; BWI) is a large-scale survey of forest status and forest production potential using a uniform procedure for the entire... -
Subalpine grassland monitoring in the Swiss Northern Alps since 1954
Data from permanent plots monitored since 1954 and phytosociological censuses from 1970 to study compositional changes of subalpine grasslands in two regions of the Swiss... -
Successional vegetation permanent plot database (1969-2011, Göttingen, Lower ...
Since 1968 the experimental study site on old-field succession in the Experimental Botanical Garden of the University of Göttingen (Lower Saxony, Germany) offers continuous data... -
Forty years spontaneous changes in species composition of natural and seminat...
Investigations were conducted in natural and semi natural forests, in the strictly and partially protected areas of the Roztoczanski National Park (south-eastern Poland).... -
Epifauna Jade
Epifauna Jade since 1970 -
Jade Bay infauna
infauna data are available from the 1930s by Linke (1939), from the 1970s by Michaelis (1987) and from 2009 by Schückel et al. (2012) and Schückel & Kröncke (2013) -
Dogger Bank infauna
infauna data are availabe from the 1920s by Davis (1923, 1925), from the 1950s by Ursin (1960), Petersen (1977), Kirkegaard (1969) and since 1985 by Kröncke (1992, 2011),... -
Transect German Bight - Dogger Bank infauna
7 stations from inner German Bight towards Dogger Bank, 3 subsamples per stations, 0.1 m2 van Veen grab, sieved over 0.5 mm mesh size -
Lake Constance bird data set (1980 to 2002)
taken from Lemoine et al. 2007. Cons Biol. "The Lake Constance bird atlas data were collected in 19801981, in 19901992, and in 20002002 by the international working group... -
Butterfly species lists (1980 to 2012) and dragonfly species lists (1990 to 2...
List of species and counts of butterfly enthusiasts in Saxony, collated by the SÄCHSISCHES LANDESAMT FÜR UMWELT, LANDWIRTSCHAFT UND GEOLOGIE -
Ground beetles in Dutch heathlands
Data collection was started by P.J. den Boer of the Biological Station in Wijster, Drenthe, The Netherlands, part of the agricultural university Wageningen, in 1959 to study... -
Lichen Monitoring in The Netherlands
In the Netherlands the provincial authorities are in charge for this type of monitoring of lichen. I am responsible for the actual data collection and owner of the data. Eight...